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Friday, December 3, 2010

Math Class

I will come right out and say that I am not a big fan of math. In my book, doing math is just below such favored pastimes as taking out the compost and watching toilets flush. But, as in mashed potatoes, in life you have to take the lumps with the good stuff and I am learning to understand and teach math better through our math methods course this term.

One of the biggest things I have learned this term is that math, or rather how math is taught, has changed a lot even just since I was in school ten years ago. We have learned some great instructional techniques, specifically ways to make teaching math more than just droning on about algorithms and then doing 50 problems on a worksheet.

To demonstrate, here's a lesson plan that I put together for class. This was lesson was designed with a specific focus on tiering, or adapting the lesson to students of different ability.

Click HERE for lesson plan!


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